2024 -2025 © MGCC Devon & Cornwall Centre - A Centre of the MG Car Club.

Pete Opie

Welcome to the website of the Devon & Cornwall Centre of the MG Car Club we really hope you'll wish to join in with our many events and activities throughout the year. Whether you own an MG, an enthusiast or have one or more of these lovely cars, we would be delighted to share the enthusiasm and friendships they are a catalyst for!

The MG Car Club - 'Marque of Friendship' - is alive and well in Devon & Cornwall; whatever aspect of the MG world you are interested in you are sure to find like-minded souls within our group. We are a firm believer in the fact that the cars and events bring us together, the people and friendships make us stay. The goal? To help you get more out of your MG hobby whilst forming new friendships along the way

The Devon & Cornwall Centre offers and supports a varied range of events throughout the year, from pub meets, social runs, weekends away to grass roots motorsport - there is something for everyone! If you are a new member, please do make yourself known to your local pub meet (Natter) organiser and start the journey into a friendly world of MG motoring in the farther reaches of the South West

We look forward to meeting up with you soon...

                                                               The MG Car Club - Devon & Cornwall Centre


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2024 Photo Competition Result - Thanks to Colin & Steffi (MGCC Photographers) for judging the entries.

Cat. 1 winner Colin Ballard  PHOTO  Cat. 2 winner Brian Galbraith PHOTO